The Secret of Three Planets” from the Illusionists of the Safronov Brothers. The high-profile premiere of “The Secrets of Three Planets”, the main New Year’s show from the illusionists No. 1 in Russia, the Safronov Brothers, was held in Moscow. Under the leadership of the country's main magicians, adults and children made a magical journey through the Galaxy to uncover the secrets of three mysterious planets. Spectators not only became passengers of the giant liner, but also participated in the magic of the performance: they read thoughts, flew and even teleported.
The show involved designer sets and costumes, unique huge robots, fantastic animals, amazing plants, space stations and ships. And the incredible illusions of the Safronov brothers allowed a completely different look at the world of our vast universe.
Thousands of megawatts of music and light, huge projection screens allowed viewers to fully immerse themselves in the real world of space. WE have developed unique video content for LED screens in a maximum resolution of 8k.
Our task was to effectively use every pixel of the screen and immerse the viewer in the story with the scenery and actors. For this, an original visualization of the image volume was developed. Total timing video series 1 hour.
Art Director Liones won the Bronze A ’Design Award in Event and Happening Design Category 2019 award at the world design competition in Italy.